The Digestive MindThe Internet, the mind-stomach connection, and why Instagram is giving me the poops.May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
Scatter My Ashes at Moon JuiceOn speeding up, slowing down and what comes next: wellness after quarantine and what we’re really up against.May 13, 20202May 13, 20202
Overcoming Usefulness Optimization AmbitionA friend of mine wrote me, that he is having a much harder time than he thought with the quarantine. It’s been a real ride. We are all…Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Dear Gay Guys, You Are Not a Friend To Women Until You Know What an IUD IsYou need to never make a joke about a woman’s period ever again.Dec 16, 2016Dec 16, 2016